The 2023-2025 ACRRT study guide 

The ACRRT study guide is now available in two forms, a print version and a viewable (read only) PDF version.


Traditional printed versions are shipped within 72 hours of payment.


Access to the new READ ONLY digital version (.PDF) will be provided via Orangedox. An email containing a link to the PDF will be sent within 24 hours.


Please be advised the .PDF Study Guide is READ ONLY it cannot be downloaded, annotated, printed, or shared.


The PDF is viewable on only ONE device. Please open the link on the device you plan to study on. If you need to change devices please contact the ACRRT Via email to get the permissions reset.


Additionally we now offer a FREE downloadable and printable supplemental workbook with purchase of either study guide format. A link to the supplemental workbook will be provided through Orangedox


Purchase the ACRRT study guide