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The 2022-2023 ACRRT study guide is now available in two formats.
 The latest ACRRT Study Guide
Select a quantity and then choose your prefered format.
We now offer a READ ONLY .PDF shared through Orangedox.

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Study Guide bulk orders are now available.
 ACRRT Study Guide Bulk Orders (5 or more)
Bulk orders apply only to the print versions of the Study Guide delivered to one shipping address.

Fill in the desired quantity on the right.

Please contact us to discuss options for delivery of the free supplemental workbook.
Limited Radiographer exam
 Limited Radiographer Examination Fee
If you are paying for someone else to take the examination, please fill in each examinee’s information after selecting quantity.

Please use the link below to upload your eligibility documentation 7 days prior to your scheduled exam.
Combine the Exam and Practice Exam
 ACRRT Exam and Practice Exam
If you are paying for someone else to take the examination, please fill in each examinee’s information after selecting quantity.

Please use the link below to upload your eligibility documentation 7 days prior to your scheduled exam.
Upload Your State Eligibility Documentation

ACRRT Practice Exam
 ACRRT Limited Radiographer practice exam #1
This 100-question ACRRT practice examination will allow you the experience of the limited radiographer exam and the opportunity to review both correctly-answered and incorrectly-answered questions at the conclusion of the exam. more
RT Annual Membership Dues
 Annual dues for Fully certified RTs Only
Annual dues for active members is $40
Annual dues for inactive members is $25

Please use the link below to upload your CE certificate

Upload Your CE Certificate.